About Us

About Us

๐Ÿ‘ฅ About Us

Our mission is to provide compelling cybersecurity & business leadership insight that will empower people & organizations alike to elicit meaningful growth, while also fostering a robust cybersecurity posture.
Christian Scott - LinkedIn

Christian is an eccentric, self-made technology & cybersecurity leader who is extremely enthusiastic about spreading security awareness.

Christian initially matriculated from the domain of software development and then moved into network & systems engineering before finally settling into cybersecurity by performing penetration testing & building security programs for numerous Fortune 1000 companies. In his free time, Christian enjoys teaching & mentoring others in the areas of cybersecurity, business development, and leadership. His curiosity and sheer tenacity push him to continuously learn and tinker with technology.

โ€œI love investing my time and abilities to help others and make the world a better place. I am almost purely driven by the ethos that "One should strive to achieve, not sit in bitter regret." I consider myself a bit of an artist, and I really enjoy bringing happiness to people's lives by making things: 3D Printing, Wood/Metal Working, Cooking, Building IOT Devices, Programming, Graphics Design, and Comedy. I guess Cybersecurity was always a natural fit for me given my technical expertise, creativity, and mischievous sense of humor.โ€ ๐Ÿ˜…

Copyright 2023 Enclave Regenerous. Unless otherwise stated, all of our work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Simply put, please share it, provide attribution and if you remix it then share generously with others. The work of others that is featured on this site is always provided with attribution and is not directly monetized.



The opinions expressed here are respectively our own and do not reflect the views of our organization or anyone else unless quoted verbatim.

We try our best to provide helpful insight to folks but there is no warranty to completeness of anything we create or post here; so please be sure to always do your own research.